Swing Factory has been announced as the new operator at Morack Golf after Whitehorse City Council voted unanimously to endorse the partnership at a meeting on Monday 22 August, 2022. The course is currently undergoing a $12.11 million redevelopment to transform the Council-owned public golf course and driving range into a contemporary family-friendly facility.

Swing Factory is contributing over $2.5 million to the fit-out of the new facility, which includes:

  • A multipurpose golf pavilion with inside/outside café overlooking the golf course and bushland surrounds.
  • A designated golf retail shop and multi-purpose event space.
  • A 24-bay driving range with premium bays for group functions and hospitality services.
  • Each bay will be installed with leading ball tracing technology in Toptracer Range allowing. every shot to be traced adding a new level of gamification to the range experience.
  • A world class 18-hole premium mini-golf facility.

“We are delighted that Whitehorse City Council share our vision in Morack Golf and are extremely excited to partner with them. Not only will the golf course be improved but by developing the state- of-the-art driving range (with Toptracer Range technology) and building a best in practice mini golf, the Morack Golf Course will be transformed into a world class family-friendly asset for the wider community” said David Stevenson Chairman of Swing Factory.

“We are really looking forward to working with council in delivering this project to the City of Whitehorse” added Stevenson.

“Morack Golf provides valuable health, social and sporting participation options for Whitehorse residents, and for people from across the eastern region of Melbourne. We are pleased to be partnering with Swing Factory in this very exciting project for the area,” Whitehorse City Council Mayor Tina Liu said.

“The end result will mean Morack Golf will be a world-class amenity that will provide diverse leisure and social opportunities for golf enthusiasts and the wider Whitehorse community to enjoy” added Cr Liu.

Construction of the new Morack Golf Course, Driving Range and Mini Golf is currently underway and will take around a further twelve (12) months to complete. Swing Factory will then complete the fit-out the kitchen, café and reception at completion which will take a further three (3) months. The facility will open for business during December, 2023.

Throughout the building & development process the 18-Hole golf course will remain open for play.

About Swing Factory

Is an Australian, entertainment-based business formed to develop golf driving ranges into fully equipped golf entertainment businesses. The team behind Swing Factory is uniquely placed, as we bring a wealth of golf industry knowledge and driving range expertise to the table in both the operational aspects of a driving range but also the ground up building & development of the facilities.

Swing Factory are actively pursuing opportunities in the Australian golf market.

About Toptracer Range

Toptracer Range is the leading golf range technology globally, with over 700+ ranges and 15,000+ bays using the system. For golfers, Toptracer Range is the ultimate practice tool, taking the guesswork out of range sessions by offering an engaging, data-driven experience that appeals to everyone.

For driving range operators, Toptracer Range is transforming their whole business, attracting new guests, retaining current members, and boosting revenue streams.

And for the game of golf, Toptracer Range is revolutionizing the industry by making technology once considered exclusive to the pros accessible—and enjoyable—to all.

About Whitehorse City Council

The Wurundjeri-Balluk Tribe are the traditional custodians of the land on which the City of Whitehorse is located. The City of Whitehorse was created in December 1994 following the amalgamation of the former cities of Box Hill and Nunawading. The birth of the City reunited the suburbs which formed the original Shire of Nunawading more than 100 years ago. The City of Whitehorse is located just 15 kilometres east of Melbourne and covers an area of 64 square kilometres.  The municipality is bounded by the City of Manningham to the north, the Cities of Maroondah and Knox to the east, the City of Monash to the south and the City of Boroondara to the west.


Erich Weber
Swing Factory

Categories: News, Press Release
